High Profile Federal Defense Counsel

Previous News from author: January 2024

What Are the Penalties for Offshore Tax Evasion?

What Are the Penalties for Offshore Tax Evasion?

On Behalf Of Candice Fields Law, PC | January 20, 2024 |

In today's globalized world, the intricacies of offshore tax matters have become increasingly complex and, unfortunately, ripe for potential misuse. Offshore tax evasion, the illegal hiding of assets or income in foreign countries to avoid paying taxes, is a serious offense with significant legal ramifications. At Candice Fields Law, PC, […]
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Hunting and Fishing Violations

How to Handle Hunting and Fishing Violations

On Behalf Of Candice Fields Law, PC | January 15, 2024 |

Navigating the complexities of federal hunting and fishing laws can be a daunting task. At Candice Fields Law, PC in California, we understand the challenges and concerns that come with being cited for a federal hunting or fishing violation. This blog aims to provide clear, comprehensive guidance on what steps […]
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